You always thought your child was different than other kids, and now you're realizing, it's because they're unique Souls with a specific purpose here on Earth.

I'm here to help first-time and overwhelmed parents understand their child’s deeper spiritual needs through Mediumship Readings and Earth IntegrationTrainings.

ENDORA welcomes and supports the journey of sacred parenthood for all families including LGTBQ+ parents and parents-to-be.

If you're frequently feeling overwhelmed feeling like you can't keep up with your child's unique emotional, environmental and academic needs, stop. You don't need to be.

Because understanding your child's Soul Contract will help you understand the kind of support they need from you.

That's where I come in.

I'm here to give you the information you need, directly from your child's Soul, so that you can understand their needs and support them as they grow to fulfill their greater purpose on this planet.

Child's Soul Contract Mediumship Reading

$222 USD

About this service:

You want to support your children in the best way possible, but they're so unique that you feel lost when it comes to understanding their emotional and spiritual needs. Good thing you can get a Child's Soul Contract Reading and have their Soul tell you directly what they need, why they need it, and how to provide it. Take the stress of guess workout of parenting and learn exactly how to support your unique child(ren).

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Earth Integration Training Energetic Education & Adjustments for Parents of Unique Children

$2222 USD

About this service:

When you're trying to soothe your colic baby or overstimulated child you want more than just a session that tells you what your kiddo needs. You also need support, while supporting them. These trainings will guide you step-by-step through support your little one's unique needs, while avoiding those late night breakdowns next to the crib.

This service is best suited for...

Parents of children 0-6 years

Because when your child's deeper needs are met, everyone sleeps well at night.

Here's how we'll do this...

8 Biweekly Calls

We'll meet every two weeks via zoom for 1 hour together with your littles where you'll learn about what your child is experiencing energetically in real time, and how to support each phase of development they're in.

Small Groups

Each of our cohorts are designed to hold only 5 families at a time who have children in the same age groups. This allows for everyone (parent and littles) to get the specific support and attention they need during our time together.

Cohorts are divided into two age groups: Newborn-2 years and 3-6 years. Have children in both? Simply enroll in both cohorts.

Comprehensive Training

Your child's Soul is unique because of their greater mission on this planet, and the mainstream parenting books you've read just aren't cutting it when it comes to supporting them.

I'll be by your side helping you navigate the trial-and-error of what works and doesn't work for your child's unique needs.

Energy Healing & Support

I'll be teaching you how to energetically attune your little(s) through specific exercises that you can implement daily to balance yours and your child's nervous systems.

Community of Soul Families

Connect with parents who are raising special little Souls and navigating the new age of gentle and spiritual parenting, together. It takes a village to raise a child, and ENDORA is bringing you that village.


You'll be supported outside of our calls with direct access to your guide, Madds, and the other parents in your cohort. We'll be with you every step of the way as you help your littles integrate into their new life, and as you embark on the sacred journey of parenthood.

1:1 Support

For parents seeking 1:1 support throughout their cohort, a 1:1 add-on is available for an extra one-time fee of $888 USD. This includes a 1-hour 1:1 call and additional 1:1 support outside of session, from Madds, during your work together.

It's time to stop the guess-work and discover what your child actually needs.

New Cohort Coming Soon

Join the Waitlist

Don't just take my word at how integral this process is for you and your littles

Hear what other mama's have to say...

I have been dying to have a child's soul contract reading for almost a year now, but it’s been an absolute challenge finding someone online that I actually trust.
I’ve followed Madds for a few years now, and when she announced that she would be offering child soul contract readings I knew I had to get one. I wanted a reading in order to confirm that I do in fact have spirit babies waiting to come Earth side, and also to hear all about their personalities and how they plan on entering the world/what barriers I’m putting up that would prevent it from happening. I had a LOT of fear regarding conception, which Madds was able to confirm was not a fear I needed to have in this lifetime. She not only eased my anxiety, but told me that my future children were begging me to just calm down and it would all happen in due time. Madds said almost first thing in my reading “oh my gosh, I feel like this is happening really soon, they’re showing me the day of your wedding” - I was getting married in Mexico the following week, and It hought there’s just no way, how would it be possible to get pregnant so soon after starting to try? (2 cycles).All to say, I came back from my wedding and I truly wasn’t worried for the first time in years. I put pregnancy out of my mind entirely and focused on other things. 7 days after I got home from Mexico, I took a test as I was late, and it was positive. Based on my cycle that month, it’s likely that the embryo implanted on the day of my wedding, just like Madds heard from spirit.Everyone who wants babies in the future and is having anxiety about whether or not it will happen for them needs this reading, and if you’re not anxious, then this reading will just allow you to feel so much more connected to your future children. I truly don’t know if my anxiety would’ve been soothed by anyone else. She truly made me feel likeI was born to be a mother. Thank you Madds!
Lara C.
As a Mama-to-be, the Child's Soul Contract Reading was such a special and insightful experience.
Madd's extraordinary skill in mediumship helps to guide the experience and answer all your questions. The session helped me feel closer and more connected to my little girl. I would recommend this session to all pregnant mamas who want the unique and rare opportunity to get to know your baby before they come hearthside.
Jeanine W.
I was lucky enough to snag a Child soul contract reading with Madds when she first opened them up. Let me start by saying if you have the chance to book one, do it!
I recently gave birth to my sweet little girl and she had been having some difficulties with sleep, car rides, baths, you name it! Madds was able to connect with her and give me some insight as to why she was struggling and ways to help support her here on earth. Madds was able to bring clarity and a sense of relief to both myself and my little one. She dove deep into her soul contract and what my daughter came here to do on earth. Madds also shared with me some glimpses of my little as she grows and it brought us both closer together. It was an amazing reading! I can't wait to book another!
Kayla B.
Lara C.
Jeanine W.
Kayla B.

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