I help lost Souls find their place in this world through mediumship and 1:1 expansion journeys.

You're absolutely certain you can figure your life out on your own. So why are you still in the same place you were last year?

I'm living proof of what can happen when you step into alignment and live your Soul's purpose. It's how I went from homeless and dirt poor to being the Founder & CEO of ENDORA in record time.

And for the last 4 years I've guided people just like you through complete life transformations and into their: dream jobs/businesses, wealth, soulmate relationships, international & cross country moves, actually loving who they are and the life they live, and so much more. But this transformation can feel confusing and scary and you might have no idea where to start.

That's where I come in.

At ENDORA, I bring you beyond the basic life-coaching template of mindset reprogramming and bring you right back to your Soul.

I'll break you out of the amnesia you experience in the human condition that leaves you lost and confused about your life's purpose. You'll be guided into a full remembrance of what your greater purpose is on the planet so that you can live a life that has you feeling lit up from the inside out.

Let’s Get Started

People like you, living their purpose:

I had my first Soul Contract reading with Madds a few weeks ago and I can't describe it in any other way than simply a life changing experience.
I booked it with the intention of receiving clarity on my career path (as I felt like I was at a fork in the road) as well asa deeper understanding of my purpose this time around on earth - Madds gave me all that and WAY more. Throughout the reading, she was warm, put me at ease immediately and was just the most incredible bridge between my higher self and I! I now have practical action steps going forward and a clear path to follow (which was the main thing I was seeking) as well as a renewed connection my higher self. The whole session was recorded so I could focus on being in the moment instead of making notes and now have something to refer back to whenever I need. And for all the skeptics - I lost count how many times Madds said something so specific about my current life/ circumstances that I had not mentioned...I got full body chills every time!"
Wow I am really just fully in awe of the reading. I’ve actually done a few before [from other providers] but none of them were so accurate like this one.
It is such a relief to hear from you that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be because I always have that fear that I should be somewhere else. I’m in therapy right now and trying to heal all these parts of me that are keeping me from being successful. I’m so happy I’ve made the decision to purchase your reading.
I don’t even know where to begin honestly. I’m in complete awe from this Soul Contract reading.
The astounding ability Madds has to channel this information-all the while break it down in a way that feels like your literally sitting around with your best friend drinking tea or coffee and talking about life, and what it means truly amazes me to my CORE. The fact that she is able to make you feel so comfortable and at ease while at the same time explaining your soul purpose makes the experience so peaceful and enjoyable. She was so spot on with things that i have not thought about or spoken about in so many years. I’m changed because of this reading in the best way possible.This reading was the love letter my inner child needed to hear, the deep breaths my ego needed to take to calm down, and the hallelujah chorus my higher self heard because Madds was delivering her long awaited messages to me. In the world we live in today it’s very easy to get caught up in the bad and the darkness. It’s easy to focus on the bad days instead of the good. Madds is breaking down those limits EVERY SINGLE DAY. She is the good. She is the reason why i continue to keep on my self discovery journey. She is the impact the world needs to ascend. No words will ever be able to explain my gratitude for her light, her wise wisdom, her advice and reassurance, and the collective she has built from the ground up. My cup runneth over. Thank you so much."
Valentina W.

There’s no wrong choice

Choose your path...

1:1 Expansion Journeys

Looking to get unstuck in life? Our 1:1 journeys are the first (and last step) you'll need to take to live your life's greater purpose.

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Move beyond the status quo and live your Soul's Purpose without the premium price tag of our full service 1:1 expansion journey.

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For Parents

For parents and parents-to-be who are supporting the growth of their children's greater Earth missions.

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Explore the intricacies of your incarnation and jump into your Soul's Purpose a tour Solaris Quantum Self Retreat.

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When asked why they chose ENDORA versus our competitors, this is what clients had to say:

"From the moment I met Madds I felt heard and safe from all judgement."
Ava A.
"I instantly felt connected to Madd's and I love a baddie who knows how to use curse words and swears with purpose."
Sidra M.
"Madd's energy and authenticity is so pure and the content she shares is so genuine and informative."
Abeer A.B.
"I LOVE Madd's authenticity during my readings with her. She gives it to you straight without any of the fluff."
Tara D.
"Madd's is able to hold space so gracefully and make spirituality make sense and feel attainable."
Paige S.
"Madd's energy, authenticity, and the way she presents her wisdom with confidence made me feel like I would be held. I trust that what she shares is for my highest good."
Isabella P.

At ENDORA I help you cut through the noise of new-age spirituality fads and the idea of "affirming" your way to a new reality with post-it notes on your mirror.

Instead, I give you the exact answers on why your Soul incarnated here, and then back you up with all the tools you need to live your life's purpose.

Since my methodology is centered around my mediumship and expertise in SoulContracts, all the guidance you receive will be completely custom to you and yourSoul's unique journey. I don't do one-size-fits-all, because it doesn't work; not for yourBrandy Melville tops and certainly not for your Soul.

Step Into Purpose


Cosmic Collective
